
Advice from an allusion.

In the last episode, we found Miraye sobbing like a child.
And this is very queer for a girl who wishes to do nothing with other particular people. Very. But ever since she met the boy 'Tic,' all roads of life have changed. A life that was not examined was now seen through a mirror, and eyes couldn't help but stare. The vital colors of green appearing in her soul, and the dark shades were gone.
What was going through her mind, at this very moment?
We all knew that she was crying for Tic. But is that only it?
Miraye's eyes moved around behind the eyelids, tears trying to stop. The sounds of words filling her surroundings, but they were not the voice of Stelon. No, it was of godly voices that didn't feel strange, nor welcoming. Memories were slowly reconstructing in her mind, and she could hear one particular voice.

Miraye opened her eyes, noticing the strange blackness around her. No Stelon, no Imera. Where was she?
"Miraye," a voiced echoed in streams of warm wind. "Miraye, do not be afraid."
She blinked, and looked up. A mist of white smoke floated in front of her, swirling and making itself form. Deep grey eyes peered down upon the girl, and a gentle smile appeared on its face. "Teacher..." her lips mouthed.
Seryale nodded.
Miraye looked around, eyes full of confusion. "Where are we, Seryale?"
"Your mind."
She looked at her tutor. "My mind?"
Seryale nodded, his eyes not straying from the girl. "This is only an illusion to you and I'm not really here-"
"You're talking through my thoughts, aren't you?"
"Ah," he chuckled, "Still quick to learn, I see. Well, I am, in a way."
"That doesn't make sense, teacher."
A quick look of anger crossed the man's face, but disappeared as soon as Miraye noticed. His smile was gone, and the blue markings around his eyes were clearly defined through his sandy brown bangs. He looked serious before her.
"Miraye, I think it's best if you not interfere with that boy."
"Tic? Why?"
A sudden flash and the man was holding Miraye by the wrists with extreme strength.
"Don't question me, understand?! Your very life depends on it!"
Miraye tried struggling out of her teacher's grasp. The whole feeling was familiar, and it frightened her. "Let go, Seryale, let go!"
"Listen to me, first!" His grip on her wrists tightened, "That boy will cost you your life!"
"SHUT UP! I'm out of your control! You're dead to me, Seryale! DEAD."
Seryale let go of her wrists, a worried expression appearing on his face. "So be it," he muttered, "So be it. I tried to warn you, and now.." The man turned into mist, his voice still clearly heard, "...you will die one day. Miraye. Be sure of that.."
The mist disappeared in a gust of cold wind.

Miraye stopped her sobbing, and wiped her tears. "This isn't me," she exclaimed, "This isn't me! I'm not to give in to my weaknesses, my depression." She stood up, away from Stelon's embrace.
"I will need help," she explained to Stelon and to the elf, "I need to save my friend. It may be a hard journey, and a battle that might risk your lives..." She stopped, not believing the words that flew out of her mouth.
"Are you willing to help me? You may be strangers after all, but.. you two may be the only chance I've got to save my friend-- And kill Larkin." She stared into the bright moons above, "Please.."

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