
And then there was silence.

The Moons were too bright for Ergot.
He was never an albino, no, of course not. But daylight always seemed to disagree with him. Bright red marks criss-crossed the skin of Ergot when he was in the light of the Moons. They disappeared as soon as he retreated to darkness, but while they lasted, pai-
"Hey look ya'll, it's a flock of turtles!"
God damn farmer-children and their fascinations. Interrupting crazy people while they think in third person narrative. That has to be one hell of an annoying thing when one is half asleep... Children using the wrong term for a group of turtles. What a group of turtles are called, if you know, you're worse than Ergot. And Ergot is bad. Oh, well, back to the paleness.
Ergot's paleness was getting better. He used to be close to pure white when a child, he remembers hiding in holes for comfort in summer. He had a few bite marks from scaring an animal in the midst of looking for relief from light. When Ergot awoke to find himself in sunlight, he winced and scuttled into shade. Wheezing slightly, he rubbed his arms, rocking back and forth, distributing the pain to everywhere else.
In a few minutes it faded.
Sitting up, Ergot sighed and looked around. The sun had retired to another set of dark blue clouds, he was safe for now. Storms, yet again, coming across his path. It might have been high noon, but the perception of time wasn't quite on the dot. Cracking his neck sideways, he popped his digits, stood, grabbed his lute (slightly warped but otherwise in good condition), his bottle of ale. Checked to see if he had some silver in his pocket, which he did, cold and wet, but oh well.
Starting to walk again, dodging the moon and its evil light as necessary, which was time-consuming and a fun thing to do. Ergot had a good time with this. Given, he was soon hungry and tired from hopping and shrieking "Ah, no, the light, I'm melting into a puddle of sap!" along other crazy sentences, and as a result, he stopped and just walked onward. Still dodging the light, but a bit less exuberant over the entire thing.
Looming ahead was a shadow. The light flickered through the dense canopy, and walls.
Deep, stone, granite walls.
Ergot clapped his hands in glee. The prospect of silver and a place to bed down oversaw the throbbing conscience rising to warn.

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