
Broken dream.

Tic's eyes fluttered open, lifted by the sudden disturbance of a blissful sleep. Light blinded his vision for a moment, as he wondered why his molehole was so brightly lit. He stared numbly past his fingers, through the blur of light, to something dark and sharp ahead. He shifted his gaze upwards, eyes shining with tire, and met with the haunting stare. He gasped with a glacial realization, and quickly recoiled from the looming face.

Looking down upon him, Larkin smiled, eyes bright with the morning light. For a few seconds, they just stared, as Tic's wakened thoughts suddenly drifted away to his forgotten dream. It was so beautiful -- but he could only remember the feeling; all else had faded. The ruler spoke, and he blinked himself out of the quick daze.

"It's time for breakfast," Larkin said coolly, straightening himself, but not his smile. Tic raised himself hurriedly, eyes darting about the room, expecting to see an impatient servant holding his food. Heart skipping a silent beat, he saw no one; relieved only slightly from the embarrassment of having overslept, but still confused.

Seeing the boy's troubled expression, Larkin continued, never releasing his smile. "You'll be eating with me today, Tic."

Tic glanced down, uneasiness coursing threw him. A meal fit for royalty? It was something he'd only imagined; an especially acute fantasy now, after having nearly been starved. But as much as it made his mouth water, it felt wrong. The people of The Sink -- did they even know he was gone? -- would never know the pleasure, continually feeding on the same thick soups and stolen bread each day. An awful guilt felt its way through his empty stomach -- and Miraye! Still inside the dungeons, most likely starved worse than he. Would she be given this treatment too..?

He raised his eyes to the orange pair, as though expecting to find his answer there. He considered asking, but fear held his tongue -- but he had to know. He had to know; he couldn't be there alone, in the presence of royalty, so awkward and unsure, guilty and distraught. He needed her, here, with him. Out of his thoughts, he felt himself speak. " ... will Miraye be there?"

The question revealed itself, and quickly dissolved into those orange eyes.

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