
The countryside and the elf.

The streets were fairly noisy and the children returned to their homes. Miraye's eyes turned back into the normal brown, and was skipping now and then. She was unusually happy, even though the thought of Tic still trapped in Larkin's castle was still at hand. No need to worry; she will accomplish her goals. Miraye whistled, some people looking at her strange traits then returning to their business. As she passed by the tavern, there was many a talk to be heard.

"Did you see her?"
"The elf!" the voice hissed.
Miraye stopped. Elf? Wow, this could NOT be true. Elves were rarely seen, and if caught, a large bounty was to be paid. She leaned against the tavern's outer wall, as the talk continued.
"Yeah, she headed for the country side."
Miraye tilted her head slightly to hear better, trying hard not to look interested. But she was; to get money like that was able to live out of poverty and to save Tic. But she knew, that slavery was wrong. She was in it for 2 years or so. Talk of this elf continued.
"I bet we can get 600 gold coins if we get her-"
"Or we can have fun with her first."
The talking lowered slightly. Miraye had to listen more carefully now.
"You dimwit, you know what I mean."

A laugh. A shrill, evil laugh. Miraye's eyes widened. She knew where this was going to. Men are idiots, lustful ones. They tend to sin very easily and they were self-absorbed. This girl may be an elf, but no way is she to be treated with no respect. She growled slightly. This elf's capture didn't matter anymore- it was to bring her from a life of nightmares. Miraye hastened her cloak closer and put its hood on her head. She walked steadily, hurrying. Even though Miraye wasn't the one who worried about people much, she cared more for the females rather than the males. As she walked, the footsteps of men were to be heard behind her. "Dammit," she muttered under her breath as she began to run.

It was probably noon when she reached the country side. The hills were covered in lush, green grass. The breeze, the fresh air was sweet, but she had no time to marvel at nature's beauty. She paced around, looking for the elf.
"HEY!" Miraye called, "HEY! If I were you I'd get away from here as soon as possible!"
She called some more. This elf was either shy, or did not want to speak at all. Miraye couldn't blame her; she would definitely do the same. "HELL-OOO, at least a thank you would do fine!"

Miraye wasn't aware where she was walking when she tripped. She rolled on her back and sat up. There lay a sleeping, tall, red blonde haired girl with freckles on her face. Her hat sat at her feet, and Miraye immediately noticed the girl's ears. It was her all right. This was the elf that the city talked about. Miraye crawled quickly to the elf and shook her.

"Wake up!" Miraye slapped the elf a couple of times on the face, "C'mon! No time for nappy-nappy!"
The elf's eyes fluttered open, revealing a shade of green. "Mwuh?" the elf groaned.
"C'mon, get up! There are people after you! THEY'LL DO HORRIBLE THINGS TO YOU IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF HERE!" Miraye screamed at her. The elf frowned and looked up at her, confused. Who the hell was she to yell at her when she just woke up?
Miraye looked up, and saw a group of men running towards them with weapons and rope.
"Shit," Miraye hissed. She looked at the elf and dragged her up. "COME-" Miraye tugged at her arm, "-ON!"
The elf only fell again. The men approached quickly. Miraye crouched slightly, in a defense position.
"You want a fun? I'll give you fun.."
Miraye ran towards the men, ready to attack.

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