
The Ghosts on the Stage Appeared

It was hard to walk along the cobblestone in high heels. Not only that but they were wet, slippery and the feeling that she was going to loose balance and fall never left her. Miraye took her steps into a more sophisticated part of the town that was closest to the castle grounds. All around her the wealthy peered down on her, disapproving of her tattered dress and whispering to each other. But she didn’t mind too much. She just had to find a place to get some clothes that was all. Carriages went by her. The pattering clicks of hooves comforted to her to some extent and she wanted to listen to that noise for a while longer. The soft neighs would distract her and she’d turn her head to see a horse gallop by. She had always wanted to ride on a horse when she was little and it was so tempting to just steal one and run with it. It wasn’t the time for that, she told herself, patting her shoulder.

Her eyes caught a quaint shop sitting between two brighter, bigger ones. The windows were tinted grey with rose specks along the edges. Gargoyles sat on its small roof with wide jaws and sharp teeth. No one seemed to pay attention to it and she took it to herself that this was the shop. She stepped closer and noticed the silver letters etched over the doorway. They too were decorated with a different taste with a lace of spider webs over the letters. ADMIRATONE shined and twinkled to Miraye and she finally pushed the door open.

She was immediately greeted with red lights that burned her eyes. It was quite dark inside and she fumbled through blind objects that brushed her. Once she was accustomed to the shades, she looked around. Everything was neatly set on tables and shelves. There were clothes of every array that matched her tastes.

“What may you search for, dear?” inquired a hoarse voice from the counter. Miraye looked up and saw nothing but a humped over figure. “I’m just looking for some clothes,” she replied awkwardly. Not seeing this person made her uncomfortable and she took a step back. She could hear a string of guitars whispering around her.

The hump sprawled up slowly and turned its chair to look at her. She caught a reflection of herself in uncertainty within its glasses. It continued to sit up very slowly and she noticed even the red lights were clearing up into read as it continued. Finally with a creak of its chair, sitting straight, Miraye could see it was a man in his mid 20s. The red was all gone and the room was dimly lighted with regular white. He had been bent over processing pictures the whole time. He was pale and had long platinum blonde hair. He looked healthy in a way but was one who lacked sleep. The man slid off his glasses and looked up at her. He studied her intently with his deep eyes. “I know you,” his whispered, his voice less hoarse than first heard.

“You are the girl who attempted to murder the shrike,” he spoke louder.
“And how are you so sure of this, monsieur?” she asked impatiently.

“Your eyes reveal it. Your dress reads it. That scar gives it away. But all the while it was for a noble cause,” he sniffed and stood from his chair. “I’m not going to report you. I also have no need in support for Larkin.” He walked from his counter and took steps toward her. He stopped and leaned in closer gazing at her eyes. His aura was very familiar and Miraye shivered.

“You are of Tic’s kind,” she whispered.

He nodded and smiled slightly. “I am of the SINK, yes. Your friend is from this organization. Currently I’ve been posted here if anything should occur. When you came here I was developing your pictures. Quite an array, if I do say so myself.”

Miraye tried to hold back her amusement. She had a fan after all. She looked around again as the man took a step back and made his way back to the counter. There were so many things that they all seemed to blur together. Little trinkets were tacked on the walls, black lace covered the windows. Candles sat and dimmed corners. Skulls embedded on every shelf and everything of the macabre found its place. If this had been from long ago, such items would be considered of the devil. She looked at the man again who was sliding open shelves open and closed, drawing out little things. “What was your name, stranger?” she asked, sliding her hand over a silk blouse.

“I am known as Moth,” he replied. “And you are Miraye.”

She nodded. “Like I stated before, I am looking for some new garments.”
“Yes. That gown does stand out so brightly.” He fell silent and studied her for some more moments, his pale eyes wandering over her. Miraye shuddered. “And I suppose you’re undressing me with your thoughts?”

Moth shook his head. “I have no use for women. My significant other is of the male gender,” he explained, waving his hand back and forth. He looked at her again. “I know what will dress you fine.” Again he wandered from his counter and went to the farthest corner of the store. He reached over and took a white material. He continued on to the shelves a few feet from it and disappeared behind it. He appeared again with something black resting on his arm. He wasn’t done yet though. He pushed back a veil and fumbled around in there for a while before coming back out with four other items. Moth returned to Miraye and smiled again. “If you would be so kind and follow me to the dressing room.”

While dressing in the small space, Miraye heard footsteps coming back to her. Moth pushed a pair of boots under the door. “These, too,” he sniffed before walking away. Now and then he would go back and push something under the door for her to put on.

A little while later, the door creaked in the back room. Moth turned his head.

“Well… how do I look?” she asked, slightly embarrassed.
“It goes well on you,” he nodded.

Moth had fitted a white corset on her with black lace etched upon the sides. Long black ribbons hung low from it and lead to her black skirt. He had given her some new lingered and the skirt was short enough to reveal she was wearing a garter belt that held on to black lacing that seemed to have been worked from spiders. Her boots were of a deep grey and she managed to put on the petit scarlet jacket while he gazed at her. “If you weren’t so much of a mass murderer, I would have hired you as a model. You do work now, do you not?”

Miraye nodded. “I work down at the pub now. I think it does me justice.” She paused. “How am I to repay you?”

Moth shook his head. “Not to worry. Anyone who fights for a noble cause will be treated like a hero here. If you need anything else, come here and I shall give it to you. But I do ask you leave the gown here. I may be able to do something with it.”

“Thank you so much. You have shown great courtesy. I am grateful.”

He smiled and nodded, turning his back to her. He stopped and turned back. “And do not tell the boy I am here. There are ears everywhere except within.”

Miraye nodded and bowed before stepping out into the sunshine, feeling more confident and newer than ever before.

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