
Harbor in the night like a holy vision.

The morning passed on quickly that day. It was because she had her thoughts on something the whole time. It was something distant and familiar that she hadn’t felt for a while. Last night’s escapade out of the tavern attic and in front of the shrike’s castle confused her. It was as though she were being hypnotized, lulled into a subconscious wake to stand there basked in the colorful lights of the majestic turrets. And even when she awoke that dawn to bathe and soothe, she couldn’t find the answer. Chores weren’t too difficult and words were exchanged very rarely. She was in a dream state, wondering. Hoping, as it were, for an unknown mystery that continued to lock its secrets away inside.

Everything felt surreal. It was spellbinding.

Far off away from the ponders and musings of her mind she could hear the noises of reality. They were muffled and quiet, whispered into hear ears and floating away into an unknown. She kept tracing back to the lights glowing in the dark. She could feel the cold, wet dirt beneath her feet. They were like dancing orange orbs. Promising. Seductive. Evil, like the color of the eyes of a man who was up to something. And that irresistible aura that loomed over the mansion was what continued to compel her. It was warm, welcoming… loving.


But the warmth turned hot. It burned, searing, soaring into her veins. The quiet murmurs and whispers became louder now melting into screams of agony and pain. Of sorrow and hate. She could hear Gaston and the customer talk now. Her daydreaming and wandering reverberations silenced at the interesting conversation nearby.

"They burned the entire town jus' for some worthless boy. It's a pity, you know. He should jus' turn 'imself in before any of this stuff continues, if he knows what's right."

Her body stiffened suddenly and she saw Tic pause from the corner of her eye. Both of their attentions had now been laid upon this man sharing the news of a massacre in a town nearby. She started up on her chores again, sweeping the broom closer to the counter. She didn’t want to look too suspicious after all. This could’ve been a different boy, after all. But then as though he were reading her slight worry, Tic dropped the mug in his hand. She halted and looked up. Everything went slowly. She could see each shard of the mug hit the floor, fly up and skid across the surface.

Tic turned pale despite his tanned skin. The color from his lips became pallid. A horrible realization and shock crossed his violet eyes. All heads turned and stared. And he stood there, a still statue frozen in time at the words he had heard.

He wasn’t moving. Miraye knew that if this continued any longer, any questions in their minds would be answered. She stayed silent for another second. Tic still wasn’t responding to the world.


The glaze and shine from his eyes melted and he flinched as though he were being scolded.

“You’re bleeding.”

He turned to look at her. His eyes were still wide in horror and his expression was filled with many lines of emotion. She never saw him like this. In his mind he had seen the outcome of his escape. He looked like he just watched a ghost appear before his eyes or a murder had occurred in front of his feet. To no doubt, this had knocked the wind and hope from his lungs. He continued to look at her. It was disturbing. Was he going to remain like this?

No. Tic had raised his hand and smelled the blood dripping from his fingers.

Miraye picked up the broom to aid the scarlet liquid petals that were fleeting from his body. And on instinct, all the chatter returned into the tavern. It was hushed some what. She knew they were talking about him in particular. Turning on the faucet, she gingerly took Tic’s hand and held it under the running cold water. His shoulders hunched. He was just awoken from a nightmare and he stared bitterly at his hands. Miraye proceeded to sweep up the debris of the mug and to mop the few drops of blood on the floor. But when she was done and looked up, she saw Tic slowly, quietly, climb upstairs.

She could understand that he had to be alone for the time being.

She continued on Tic’s chores for a while. Gaston would give a few glances across the room now and then if she was doing fine. Miraye knew she had to keep calm. She had been in many situations like these before. But for someone who had suddenly been dragged into a world of chaos surrounding him, Tic had reacted naturally. And that was something he had to over come. They were in for even more hell along the way. She sensed this ever since they first were separated. He’s got to keep hold though for a little longer.

When scarce a customer appeared, she gave nod to the keeper and climbed up. She found the boy sitting on the edge of the bed in front of the window, his head in his hands. He was shuddering violently.

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