
I Care Not For Her.

“Now, Stelon, Lady Stelon, tell me what is wrong,” he mimicked in a shrill voice making a face as he crept behind a bush near the shrike and the girl. “Tell me what’s wrong my ass. The little bitch’s gonna get it sooner than you know it. ‘Oh, but I love him!’ Funny how that word is so over used these days.” Seryale peeked through a path between the twigs to watch them sit down. He turned his back to them opening the basket and picking out a cannoli. Silently he ate slowly, zoning out from whatever was going on behind them. All he wanted was a nice peaceful breakfast to himself but he just had to run across that stupid girl and her beloved pedophile. Seryale rolled his eyes and picked up a second pastry. His thoughts wandered from one subject to another and he was getting full of the sweets and was getting terribly thirsty. He looked before him and remembered that there was a table that had some sort of beverage. He might as well give it a look.

He hid the basket under the bush as quiet as he could as not to draw attention to himself and crawled near the table where the servants were cleaning up. The boy Daniel was still there looking quite ashamed, his hands picking up the silver ware, taking as long as he wanted. The others were minding their own business in a quiet precision. Overall the whole thing was boring to watch. He looked around and saw the pitcher or apple juice and opted to take that.

…Except Seryale was feeling a tad mischievous at the same time. He smirked and moved in closer.

Aplico was a tall man with long fingers who was suitable to carry many things at once. He was putting away the fine china when he heard a crunch behind him. He turned and saw nothing but the trees and bushes nearby. It was probably a squirrel, he thought and shrugged it off, preparing to put the china in bins and move them back in the castle. But as he was doing so he heard a louder crunch and looked up. There was nothing that could have made the noise and he turned around. However he stopped again and noticed the floating knife. He opened his mouth to say something when a bagel flew in his mouth and an unknown force behind him pulled up his underwear and clamped it over his eyes. Needless to say Aplico fell over.

The others noticed and were on their way to huddle around Aplico when some of the china danced in midair and crashed together, their shards chasing some of the servants around. The women screamed while the men tried to shield them off. Poor Daniel stood there alone and confused. There was food flying all over the place and silver ware drumming along one of the chef’s heads. Some ducked under the table before being attacked by gliding pieces of meat and being slapped by them. The ground became slippery and one by one the servants slipped. They started to swear and plead the gods to make it stop. Others were horrified that a poltergeist was let loose from the other side and was there to make them loose their jobs.

A woman shrieked for something groped her breasts and pulled her skirt up while a man nearby was hung upside down. Another was kicked in his groin and he toppled over. Clothes were lost, bruises were made and humility was a bound. The attack continued until they finally ran to the castle, screaming in terror. Seryale waved his arm and burst into laughter, holding his flat stomach and falling to the ground. He didn’t care if anyone saw him there. It was all too amusing to mess with these creatures known as mortals. After his laughter subsided, he poured himself a cup of apple juice. When he drank all of it he flexed his fingers and everything that was sent into chaos repaired itself and set back into proper place looking as though nothing ever happened. He brushed off some stray hair and turned back to his basket of cannolis to continue eavesdropping and mocking.

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