
Like a coy tale.

From the first crack of dawn, Seryale had been up. He took the liberty of staying in a spare guest room after he located the servant quarters. He was about to barge in but thought it best that the boy get his sleep and do his duties first. Seryale would just have to catch him in an auspicious time as to not weigh him down.

So he wandered back upstairs and observed the noises that came from each room. Finally he reached a chamber that was dead silent. He cracked the door open slowly and peeked in before entering. Locking it and marking a spell upon the handles, no one would hear him and no one would have any access to it what so ever. The door had now disappeared from the outside. He didn’t want mortals sneaking in after all.

The lights dimmed on instantly and he found himself lavished in scarlet velvet and silk adorned all around. But he wasn’t ready to sleep just yet. So he headed to his right and stumbled in a huge bathroom where he stripped off his clothes and took a long hot shower with his eyes closed most of the time.

After drying himself he dragged his feet to the huge bed and crawled under the velvet covers. It was light’s out for Seryale after a long day.

When the other moons began to appear in the sky, Seryale slowly opened his eyes. It was dark in the chamber and the curtains shielded the rays of the moons from ever coming in. But it was by instinct that confirmed that a new day had begun. He closed his eyes again and turned on his side, burying himself deeper into the layers of covers. There was that gap inside of him that would creep away everyday he woke up. It was an empty feeling that he was still not accustomed to. He sighed heavily and finally sat up, drawing back the thick curtains and gazing into the sky. The rain had finally stopped and everything was wet in dew. He recognized the Hisheme moon waltzing across the sky before him as though greeting him with a Good Morning.

Seryale peered down from the window and leaned against the cold glass, crossing his arms. The servants were also awake scurrying and out with objects enfolded in their arms. It was yet another busy day for them. A life of a slave was always stressful and he thanked the gods he was never born into such a bloodline.

After watching the moons climb up he finally turned his back on the window and headed towards the bathroom again where he took another long shower. Not in the mood to dress in his same garments he prodded around the shelves and cabinets and closets until he found a casual black tuxedo. In another cabinet he found a silk white blouse and decided those would do for the day. So he groomed and dressed and was finally ready to go out and stalk once again.

He found himself outside carrying quite a number of cannolis in a basket when he had to stop and withdraw. There was Stelon eating breakfast with that good for nothing pretty boy. Seryale sneered. It looked like he would have to do some work after breakfast after all.

“Girl of a bitch,” he muttered.

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