
"Ow!" a girl lay on the ground, in a vacant alley face down. Apparently she had been passed out because she had no recollection of how she became on the ground or why there was a broken bottle of ale lying next to her hand. She sat up slowly, her head felt like someone has bashed it with a dull axe. There was a sharp pain in her eyes that made it hard to look around. Her hat had come off and she hastily pulled it over her Elven ears. Her hair stuck up everywhere but she didn't notice, she was too busy trying to stand up. She grabbed onto a brick wall but her hand slipped and she found her self back where she started. It took several tries but she finally was on her feet.

The alley swayed back and forth and it seemed blurry; out of focus. She shakily took a step, leaning up against the wall to stable herself. She suddenly felt sick (well, sicker) and bent over and pulled on her shoes. She didn't take notice but kept going. The alley seemed to be getting longer and longer and Imera was getting drowsier and drowsier. She tripped over something or maybe a someone. Someone curled up on the ground? Lying there Imera tried to see what or who she had tripped over before everything went black again.

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