
Hide the Fear

The newly repaired gown was far from easy to be running in, but Stelon tore through the halls after the strange man as fast as she could possibly manage. Her lungs burned like fire, and her muscles ached even more from being cramped into her cell for what felt like years. Her hair whipped behind her and she whimpered as she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She glanced at the man behind her and whimpered through her breathing as she saw the guards clad in leather armor with drawn swords approach.

"Go up the stairs, girl."

A voice. In her head. What was going on?

She shook herself and forced herself up off the ground, took one last look at the man, and sped up the narrow staircase, holding her dress up around her knees to help ensure she would not trip again. The stairs seemed to go on forever, and she panted heavily as she ran. The stairs were narrow and railings seemed to be non-existant in this part of the castle. Stelon actually afforded herself a slight smile when she found a hall, and veered off sharply to the left.

It was as if she were in a maze, the corridors all seemed to twist and connect to one another. She finally allowed herself to collapse again as she found her way to what must have been at least the fortieth corridor she had come to. It appeared to be abandoned for the most part, and many old paintings lined the scarlet and golden walls. The tall, floor length windows afforded her a gorgeous view of Galesing, and she finally appreciated the long, hurried climb up the stairs she had taken.

Eventually her breathing began to normalize and become more even, and she sighed softly. What was to become of her?

She pushed herself up to lean against a wall, intentions to rest a few minutes more dashed through as if with a dagger when she heard the footsteps of many traveling down the hall. Stelon groaned and jumped to her feet, eyeing the doors along the hall, finally choosing one and thrusting herself through it, slamming it hard behind her.

She leaned against the door and breathed softly, until a very eerie feeling settled over her. She turned slowly and quickly masked the look of surprise on her face as her eyes were met by those of the Shrike.

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