
Relieve your eyes.

Even before setting down the cup, Miraye shot out her hand and grabbed it. Within a few seconds she had downed the contents. The bartender seemed startled for the most part until she threw him a look which made his face go blank. It was only after Tic whispered his order when it happened. Just one cup wasn’t going to wake her up and get her thinking. Hell, it was going to take a while. She leaned back and grunted a curt “Another”.

Then she was drinking again, Tic sipping quietly. She let the coffee burn her tongue while the vodka startled her senses. Her mind continued racing with thoughts. After finishing her fourth run, she set the cup down, looked up and studied Tic. She knew there was something in his mind.

“That guardian. He worries you a little,” she whispered. He looked up at her. Yes. It was there in his purple eyes. Readable like the shape of his face. “That’s not a problem,” she added and signaled the bartender to get her another run. “He’s the least of our worries. Trust me.”

The man came back and set down the new cup. She stayed quiet until he was back at his counter, washing some mugs. Miraye sipped since the caffeine was kicking in. “No, I don’t have money. Don’t worry about that, though.”

Tic doubted, of course.

“Look,” she drawled, “We still need Stelon, traitor or not. And we need new clothes so we won’t be noticed easily. Traveling, of course, has its quirks and we’ll need some supplies. How’s the idea of getting a job?”

Before the boy could answer, the door swung open.

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