
Second Thoughts.

The moons slowly rose. It was daybreak, and Miraye was leaning against a tree watching the moons rise. She was still wet from the rain of the night before (which had now passed over), and very cold and tired. Her eyes were dark with shadows and she looked much paler than when she was in the dungeons. But none of that mattered. She had one thing on her mind: Get help and save Tic. She knew she couldn't save him alone, and she could never control her bizarre powers, even if she tried and tried. Her mind was very weak in trying to uncover its secrets and abilities, and her mental power itself was extremely bad.
But where to get help? How? Could she go to Sink and ask for help?

Miraye screamed. She never thought of this fact, before. Why?! Her endless thoughts on Tic never occurred to her for whom she should turn to for help, to save Tic. She slapped her forehead, as streams of hot tears immersed from her closed eyes. Why had she been so stupid?! Why?! "Dammit! Why is this happening to me?! I'm sorry Tic, I'm-"

The girl opened her eyes. Why DID she care about the boy anyways? This was very unlike her. Miraye was the type of person who never trusted anyone, and never opened up to anyone. She just met the boy, first of all. Yeah, so what if he tried to save her? It doesn't mean she should save his life. Miraye wanted to be dead from the start of her new life. This didn't make sense so easily.
What is with this Tic boy, anyways?

Millions of thoughts ran through her head as why she shouldn't even care about Tic. She pointed out to herself that it was useless to save someone she just met. Who knows? He might be another Seryale, out to get her.

...No. Tic was someone who she can rely on. To trust, and to talk to. Miraye cared for him. He was a brother to her, as if they always knew each other from the start. She needed to save him, because he was a friend that she never had when she was young. For Seryale told her how evil this friendship was.

It was evil, but it was a risk to take. Friendship was a risk; you had to give a piece of your heart away and trust the person that he would never hurt you. Miraye could rely on Tic, even though they only knew each other for a few days. It didn't matter. This new, strange but beautiful feeling grew inside her heart. All the thoughts she pointed about Tic were gone.

And for Larkin? He will pay. The death of his guards weren't enough. The person who caused this all needed to be served in justice. The thought of the sire's death made Miraye anticipate it. His blood. His corpse.

Miraye licked her lips in hunger. She will cause the downfall of Larkin, and anyone who is to stand in her way was to die as well. Her eyes flashed a bright emerald for a moment and returned to its brown. She walked downhill to the path way leading to the next city.
Help still was needed. Who to ask?

Anyone willing of course. Anyone. Even if that meant she had to search for the whereabouts of Sink, or meeting the strangers in the next town.

"I will save Tic. I will murder Larkin. I will, I will."

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