

The water dripped, slowly, pausing a few seconds before decidingly dripping again. A ring formed with each drop's dive into the water; it echoed into larger rings that spread and then disappeared as they journeyed too far. Tic watched the tedious descent of droplets from the faucet, his arms resting upon either side of the tub, head set in an upright position, listening to the sounds that each drop made as it hit the water and splashed. Though he watched it as if with care, his mind was clouded with thoughts of his burden. The warm water that surrounded him only seemed to remind him of the weight that now rested upon his shoulders. If only it, too, would drip away into the water, and disappear.

But it wasn't something that was going to go away. It was going to last with him as long as he stayed here, and past that, if he chose to return to the underground. It was something that would change his life forever for the worst, if he chose the alternative. But neither decision could outweigh the other. The lives of innocent people depended on him, either way. He'd never had a burden like this before.

And Miraye. He knew she was aggravated by what he wanted. He saw her eyes turn cold and her lips go straight. His hands sank lazily beneath the surface of water. It stung him, faintly.. to see someone react to him that way, when he'd just realized he was to blame for the holocaust of an entire town, and probably others. Who knew how many towns the Guardians had already been through? This town, he feared, was not going to be spared from their pursuit, and they'd already experienced that. How could Miraye still think they needed to stay here? Tic wasn't even sure if he trusted Gaston anymore. And then, he suddenly thought, if Miraye had never been around, would he have given in to Larkin? Maybe he wouldn't be where he was right now. That girl, she turned his life upside down.

Just as he turned hers.

He sighed and let his head fall back with a short intake of breath. If she had never even seen him, she probably would never have gotten mixed up in all of this. She would've never destroyed half the city, or gotten caught by the likes of Larkin. His breathing suddenly hastened. She probably wouldn't have even died. But it was Larkin, the ruler of Galesing, the man who would be king, who caused all of this. Tic's eyes moistened, breaths coming out short and quick. Somehow Tic felt as if Larkin was of a higher order. Something he couldn't control. Something that controlled him. A man whose eyes and intentions could turn Tic from a dirty sink rat into anything he wanted him to be. It made him shudder.

It made him..

Tic looked down for a moment, exhaling with a soft gasp. He stared again at the faucet as the feelings passed, letting his chest heave gently. His eyes grew wet and he lifted his hands to his face, holding it for a moment in his palms. The water dripped from his fingers, down his face and disappeared into the pool of water below. He removed his hands and sank his head beneath the surface, tempted to just let himself disappear into the water forever.

He was surprised to find Miraye already in bed when he returned to the attic. Judging by the darkness of the building, he realized Gaston must've closed shop early. He didn't bother to wonder why. Before climbing into bed, he took a moment to breathe in some fresh air from the window. The air was frigid and stung his nose, but refreshed his previously muddled senses. He stood for a moment by the window, suddenly realizing just how odd the sky looked. The Stryphus moon seemed to be at its peak.. quite a strange sight for this hour. He stared at it mindfully, until a sudden pang of remorse hit him and forced him to look away. He sighed and turned, dropping himself into the bed and falling arduously into a slumber of dreams.

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