
And faith can't help you to escape.

Tic glanced warily around the windowless room, feeling more nauseous by the moment. Matthias was practically trapping them inside, leaving only the hidden door on the floor as an escape, which wasn't very appealing. In fact, the whole idea of escape somehow didn't appeal to him anymore. At least, not this way. Not again, with all the guards after them, sure to barge through the makeshift barricade any moment now. And he couldn't just leave Miraye behind; he wasn't sure whether Matthias would help her too.

But the man had questioned him again, now sitting at the edge of the weighed down bed. He wondered what he should say, unsure if the man would understand, or would somehow be provoked to hurt him. As much as he admired the otherworldly technology of the metal arm, he didn't find it very comforting.

"I was caught during a Sink rebellion," Tic spoke, eyes lingering along the floor. Stinging memories pierced him suddenly, and he didn't want to say anymore.

"A what?" Matthias asked further.

"The.. The Sink?" Tic kept his glance down, standing well away from the man. He could feel the man's curious expression upon him, unknowing. The Sink was quite nefarious through out all of the DarkWorld, to all the empires and kingdoms -- was the man just not aware? Tic didn't want to continue or explain, fearing the threatening sting in his eyes.

He stood, hands clasped into nervous fists at his sides. An awkward silence began to grow, and he felt the immediate obligation to speak. If Matthias was planning on escaping, Tic began to think, then he probably wouldn't make it. Even if he had taken out that guard without much of a struggle, he doubted the man could take on all of them at once. He didn't know why Matthias seemed so convinced that he might defy Larkin -- but then, if he had an arm like that, he might be a bit overconfident too.

He shook his head slightly to himself, then lifted his eyes. "You.. you're going to get caught," he said knowingly, unaware of Matthias's previous attempts at escape. As much as he longed to get away, he was too aware of how easily they would fail.

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