
Appearances can be deceiving.

Stelon leaned back against the wall and slowly slid down to sit on the floor.
Breathe, she told herself. Just breathe.
The stranger was still in the castle. The stranger knew where she was, and he knew what she was thinking.
Stelon drew her knees up to her chest and threw her arms over her head, essentially curling herself up into a "protective" ball. Her head ached with all of the crazy, insane thoughts swimming through it.
The man appeared to be fairly young, not much older than she herself was. Yet he posessed an unearthly aura that suggested he was wise beyond his years, or that he knew quite a lot more than someone else his age would. He was tall, and his hair hid part of his face. From what she saw, he appeared to have gray eyes, and beneath the right one were the same bluish markings she had noticed upong initially meeting him. His left eye remained hidden to her.
She shivered as a chill passed over her body. She could still feel his rather firm touch on her skin, and she did not enjoy it the way she did Larkin's, despite only having felt the Shrike's touch through his gloves. She was not at all comfortable around the strange man as she was with the governor, and though he claimed her fears of him were illogical, she was still uneasy. The man had not caused her any harm as of yet, that was true. He had helped her escape the dungeons. He hadn't seemed to harm the Shrike, nor anyone yet. He simply was present.
Perhaps she had misjudged him. Perhaps she was only afraid because she did not understand.
"There are others from the outside that are trusting the secrets you bear within your lips."
Stelon turned the phrase around in her head and tried to understand what he could have meant by that. Yet she did not know any secrets, did she?
The girl sighed deeply.
She knew she would not turn him in now. She would keep her silence until the man gave her reason not to. It was only fair, was it not?
Slowly, she lifted her head from her hunched position and sat up, her back leaned against the wall. She looked carefully around her room, and promised herself she would not be afraid next time the man came. She would simply try and speak to him, and keep an open mind.

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