
There's no connection to myself.

“So, you plan on telling that man everything?” Seryale asked smoothly, his eye shining from the few light that had reached him. He saw her whirl around only to face the shadows in the room. “After everything I’ve done to get you here, you plan on turning in your rescuer. What a foolish girl you are.”

Stelon stood from her chair and took a few steps back, her grasp never leaving her throne. “Show yourself,” she called, weary and confused if she should trust this familiar voice. “Show yourself or I’ll…”

“You’ll scream? Last time you tried that, I silenced you.” The man stepped into the light. His expression was drawn into something between anger and of caution. “What does it take for me to gain some of your trust? I’ve already done enough as to save you from those dungeons. I saved you from a crypt filled with hungry, lonely men who’d do anything for a good ride. Away from possible starvation and sleepless nights, afraid of unknown fates that lay before you.” Seryale shook his head and stepped closer to Stelon. “And after all this, the karma you repay me is indeed most shameful.”

“How can I give you my trust when you appear quite suddenly without any warning?” she hissed, stepping back a few steps away from him as he drew nearer and nearer. Her mind started to swarm with thoughts of the possible. The pessimistic ideas out won the positive. Seryale only smiled softly at her but his eye glowed with danger from her perspective.

“Lady Stelon, you believe I would be so desperate as to pin you down and rape you?” He drew out his hand and took her chin, tilting her face so her eyes would meet up to his. “Or that I would kill you and the shrike as well?” She tried to look away but he held her face firmly. “Believe me, I am not such a man who would commit such crimes to you. But if you do make a move that reads as a possible threat to everything in this world, I will deliver such punishments more unbearable than death itself.”

Seryale let go of her and gave Stelon a serious look to make it more convincing. “There are others from the outside that are trusting the secrets you bear within your lips.” He turned his back and started back to where he was hiding. “If I were you, I wouldn’t make another foot closer to the shrike. You’ll regret it if you commence.”

“Wait!” she called but it was too late.
He disappeared yet again before muttering the word ‘bitch’ from his mouth.

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