
Ask the angels.

She followed wearily, not wanting to glance back. She knew that Stelon and Imera were still there, and if she looked, the tribe would suspect something. Miraye dared not to risk it.
The journey was well behind trees. They had to enter numerous tunnels and climb many stairs before reaching the tall, lavish periwinkle camps. The atmosphere was dark and gloomy. The dirt was soft and damp. She looked around, noticing many young men watching her. It felt eerie. Priests, they were priests, holding staffs with a bright green jewels atop the handles. The group stopped before a white camp, Miraye not helping but to shrug at the sight. It looked very ghostly, haunted. She could sense evil spirits that were floating inside. She didn't like it, not one bit.
"No way in HELL," Miraye exclaimed at the leader. She was about to remind him about Seryale, when she was pushed inside.
It was dark. Pitch dark and cold. Miraye could not see anything. It felt like death had finally come for her, embracing her into bliss and not wanting to let go. It was so quiet, it made her uneasy. Something was in there.
A candle was lit out of nowhere.
"Miraye, student of Seryale. Welcome."
She tried to look for where that voice was coming from. Just a candle. Maybe it was a talking candle? Or a ghost. She really did not like ghosts. She hated them, they creeped her out.
"No, I am neither a candle or a ghost."
Miraye blinked. "So, just what are you, then?"
"A spirit from long since past."
"Isn't that still classified as a ghost?"
"No. Not at all." The voice was calm and distant, and Miraye had to respect this spirit. She decided not to argue with it. "Why am I here, spirit?"
"You know well. Your teacher calls for you. I am told that you have disobeyed his orders."
"Just to go after a friend? Shit, what a retard."
"He might cost you your life."
"Bah, as if I should believe what that liar tells me?"
The voice did not reply. It was thinking, most likely. A sudden burst of blue flame emitted from out of the darkness.
"Look, what fate holds for you."
Miraye peered into the huge, bright flame. Tic. Tic standing in front of Larkin. "What is this?"
"Tic does not know that you escaped. He was told to believe you were still in the Shrike's castle."
"Bastard. Tic can't be gullible enough to believe that crap."
The flame swirled around, and now a man with a metal right arm stood in front of the exit of the castle. It looked like he was debating. Then, he ran back inside. "Okay, who the hell is that?"
"He goes by 'Matthias.' He wishes to retrieve Tic and his sword as it seems. He has killed an awful many-"
Miraye snorted loudly. "How many?"
"A few dozen."
"And you think that is a lot? Hell, I've killed half a city, and many soldiers. And to rescue Tic? That's my job."
The flame disappeared, the candle still there. "It is best if you let him rescue the boy. Consequences will await you if you decide to pursue your journey to the lands of the Shrike."
"So be it. I'm going now." Miraye turned and started for the entrance, but the voice boomed at her.
"Shut it. I'm going back to my fellow travelers."
The candle flickered out. Miraye stepped out of the tent, to be greeted with the tribe.
"You must stay here," the leader persisted, "or you will-"
Miraye punched him. "Goodbye folks," she chuckled, bowing. She folded her cloak around her and she vanished. She left the tribe scratching their heads, searching for her.

Miraye unfasted her cloak, and she appeared before Imera and Stelon. "Let's keep going. They'll be running after us anytime soon."
"I think it's best if we take a road out of this forest."
"Good idea."
The small group of girls ran out of the forest and into the night. The journey to the castle was slowly ending, and Miraye was to be reunited with her friend, Tic, despite of what her teacher told her.

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