
Hiding, Rest and Thoughts

Stel and Imera continued to follow Miraye, glancing at each other every so often as they went deeper and deeper into the forest. The tunnels they traveled through were rather dark, damp, and eerie. The stairs they climbed were countless; not that Stelon had been counting...she was too afraid and worried to keep count of something trivial as stairs.

After what seemed a rather long time, they neared a place filled with many camps. There was something very strange about this place, it seemed dark and mysterious...and not in a good way either. Imera and Stelon once again ducked behind some thankfully thick bushes. Peering out every so often, they saw Miraye being pushed into a very uninviting camp. Stelon glanced at Imera and they ran to hide behind another bush, this one nearer to Miraye in the hopes they might hear something, anything.

But alas, they heard nothing. Filled with worry, it seemed many hours before they saw the pink-haired girl emerge from the eerie camp and promptly slug the purple-robed man. Stelon gasped and then grinned as Miraye disappeared, only to reappear by Imera and herself. She was beginning to get used to the fact that there were things about Miraye she would probably never understand, and surprisingly, this did not bother her.

"Let's keep going. They'll be running after us anytime soon."

"I think it's best if we take a road out of this forest."

"Good idea."

They began to run, fleeing from the forest as well as the tribe that would probably not ever stop looking for Miraye. They ran farther and farther away, and in the distance they could hear the tribe, pursuing them. But still they ran. This was important, and after what seemed like forever, they knew they had outrun the tribe. They were younger, all three of them, as well as smaller and it wasn't too hard for them escape the tribe on foot.

It was very late by the time the girls felt safe enough to stop moving; the moonlight was nearly non-existant. Yet they were out of the forest, and the village was not too far when the three of them sank onto the ground and slept, taking turns watching for whatever force it was that wished to stop them. Stelon took the last watch, staying awake until what would pass as morning on earth. She gazed up at the sky, her eyes glazed with a rather dazed look, thinking of what all had happened.

She finally had companions...people to travel with and talk to...yet she also had a long adventure ahead of her, if you could call it that. Rescuing Tic would not be easy. But it had to be done, and she was more than willing to help. Though she had never met Tic, she was sure he was undeserving of being locked up in the castle. He was young...at least she expected he was, and he had many years ahead of him if they could free him. No...not if. They would free him. It was only a matter of time, and soon they would begin to plot their first and hopefully successful attempt to rescue him.

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