
Change of mood

Stelon stiffened slightly, feeling Miraye go limp in her arms suddenly. She looked at the girl, afraid of what she would find. She was breathing, but she seemed as if she were in a trance of some sort.

Stelon looked at Imera and back at Miraye, and only a few moments later Miraye's crying had subsided.

"This isn't me, this isn't me! I'm not to give in to my weaknesses, my depression."

She looked at Miraye with a somewhat confused look in her eyes, but she said nothing as Miraye stood up.

"I will need help. I need to save my friend. It may be a hard journey, and a battle that might risk your lives...Are you willing to help me? You may be strangers after all, but...you two may be the only chance I've got to save my friend--And kill Larkin....Please."

Stelon sighed softly and stood up, looking into Miraye's eyes and decided against asking what her earlier words were about, and what it was that had happened for those few shaky moments when she had gone limp in her arms. Instead, she responded a bit shakily, but truthfully, meaning every word.

"I will help you... I have no one in this world and if I die, so be it. At least I might have the chance to help someone and prove useful...", she sighed again and glanced at Imera, wondering whether the elf would help as well, mentally adding onto what she just said, "At least I will have company..."

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