
Not just anybody.

Tic's heart raced, excited by the skirmish that had just taken place, frightened by the sudden appearance of such a strange, incredibly tall, outlandish man. For a moment, Tic thought he would be attacked as well, but the man casually proceeded to introduce himself. He said Matthias was his name -- and then Tic realized; he must be the escaped prisoner that Larkin and the guards were after. There the rebel prisoner stood, eyeing him, and asking who he was.

Feeling a new wave of apprehension, he swallowed. What if the guards came suddenly crashing through the doors? Would he be involved? He didn't know who Matthias was, where he came from, or whether he might try to hurt him or not. But, he assured himself, telling him his name shouldn't hurt anyone. Even if the man intimidated him, it was possible he wasn't an enemy.

He looked upon Matthias; the long coat, the strange goggles, and the curious metallic arm. His voice sounded timidly, feeling awkward in the presence of such a man.

"My name is Tic," he said shortly, immediately feeling the need to say more. He didn't want the man mistaking him for something he could never be, and possibly attacking him.

"I'm a prisoner here."

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