

They would have most likely taken Tic to the guest room, and that's where Larkin had been headed. Before he had heard someone down another one of the halls, and he casually turned down it, picking up his pace to make himself known to whomever or whatever it was. Because this certain corridor had been off limits to all of the servants and guards. Only for reasons unknown to them, but not to Larkin.

He heard the gentle swish and click of a shutting door. Larkin was frustrated that he had not seen which door had been invaded. All of them were identical, and what could have been a closet behind it could have easily been a bath hall, as well. And Tic would be in the guest bath hall at this moment, he thought, reminding himself of where he was going before this distraction. But, oh, the thought of venting his anger over Miraye on one of the disobedient and trespassing servants tempted him.

Which door, which door. His folded his arms across his chest, gloved fingers tapping gently at his forearms. He turned his head and peered at each one of the doors, trying to pick up on some clue that may reveal one to be a hiding place. As he neared the end of the corridor, he slowly turned around, silencing himself completely. He breathed shallowly, slowly, and waited with a patient (and very fake) expression on his face.

His forced patience paid off, and one of the door, quite a ways down from him, slowly creaked open. A man stepped out, awfully peculiar looking. Larkin's eyebrows scrunched together, forming the number eleven in the middle of his forehead. What was this?

A corpse fell out from inside of the closet, giving the man quite a scare. Larkin's lips nearly twitched into an amused grin as he heard the frightened scream, but disappeared when the man's eyes found him and reminded him that he was Larkin, and not amused at this stranger.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, lifting and pointing a finger at Matthias. It was completely unnecessary; there was no one else in the hall. But it did add to his intimidating presence. Must have been effective, because the intruder - which was what Larkin instantly dubbed Matthias - let out a second screech and ran the way Larkin had come.

For a moment, Larkin stood in his position - not going after the man like he should have. He was being tugged both ways - go see Tic, or chase after the intruder? He stepped forward, and went with his decision. He walked quickly and elegantly down the hall. He didn't run, it might shab his hair.

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