
Fear and Promises


Stelon leapt up off the ground and ran like mad, multiple arrows shooting through the air. She had no idea what was going on, but someone was apparently not happy with them. The girls continued running and she hardly dared to believe it when Imera and Miraye started yelling at each other in the middle of all this. They were all supposed to be on the same side!

After yelling at them they stopped and awhile later the arrows did too. They slowed down and gasped for breath, Stelon looking around rather suspiciously.

What was going on? Then a noise. The twit of an arrow and the sickening sound of it as it pierced Miraye's back. Stelon winced at the sound and shrieked when she saw the black robed figures coming at them. This definitely was not good. She continued to look at them and noted one was dressed in rather heavy purple robes, they were also nicer than the black robes the others wore. This was obviously the leader of the group.

"Miraye of the Lantrisch. Please come with us. If you decline--"

Stelon screamed rather loudly, along with Imera as the swords and daggers jutted out all around them. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse. It was not a good feeling to have that many sharp objects so near your body. One move and she would be bleeding from a rather deep cut.

"Your friends will die."

She yelped upon hearing this. Surely they wouldn't really kill them; there was no good reason to. Stelon tried to calm her heart which was pounding in her chest very quickly.

"I'm sorry, but these travelers are not my friends. Merely servants, but if you wish to do away with them-- I'll do it. I am Seryale's special girl, yes? You do know how.. he gets angered very easily."
Shock ran through her body at Miraye's words. Surely she was pulling a trick. She wouldn't kill them. They were going to help her. She would not kill them. Stelon was certain of it. The tribe turned their backs and Miraye approached them. Stel's eyes got wider as Miraye's eyes flashed red. There was most definitely something different about her.
"Go. Go, for the sake of your lives. I beg you, run, now. If they go after you, I'll stop them."
Stelon looked at her rather stubbornly.
"No way! We're in this together. What the hell's gonna happen to you? You're just going to go with them?! Are you insane?! I'm not leaving, Miraye!"
Miraye's hand cracked across her face. Stelon yelped and her hand ran to her reddened cheek.
Stelon sighed wearily and looked at Miraye a few moments more before turning and running. But she didn't run far. There was a bush nearby, and as she had told Miraye, she was not leaving her. She ran and ducked behind the bush, along with Imera, peering between the branches to see what was going on. Miraye began walking away, following the one in the purple robes. Stelon and Imera looked at each other and simply nodded. There was unspoken agreement that passed, and after a few moments more, they began to follow the tribe and Miraye at a very safe distance, moving slowly, quietly and cautiously. Stelon would not abandon her. She was afraid. But she had promised to help Miraye save Tic, and Stelon did not make promises lightly.

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