
Matthias looked up suddenly. The doorknob spun, creaking gently, then slowly returned to its original position. Further sounds could be heard from outside in the hall. Never a good sign.
He looked down to the boy. He was terrified... of him, of the guards, of Larkin... he was a scrawny little bundle of fear. For a moment, Matthias found himself wondering if he'd ever been like that.
The left door fell.
He looked up again, peering past the enormous, near-impassable pile of junk to the people beyond the doorway. They were currently working on the other door; it seemed a waste of time to Matthias, but foreign places have foreign customs... and this place was, indeed, quite foreign.
Guards, he thought, snapping back to the situation at hand. Way too many to take on head-to-head... so long as the door remained half-up, he was more or less safe. Or he had an advantage, at least. He could take them one by one.
"FOR ADUN!" he shrieked, pitching an enormous porcelain bowl, formerly filled with fruit, over the pile and out the first door. It caught one of the guards off guard (no pun intended) and sent him sprawling to the floor.

Larkin watched impatiently, scowling and tapping his foot against the floor. The guards worked silently, taking the other door down. He ran his hands up and down the sanded hilt of his axe... torturing this filthy... REBEL... would be to risky. If he'd managed to elude every guard assigned to keep him IN the cell...
He didn't have time for this. "Faster," he sneered. A split second later, Matthias' voice pierced Larkin's head, screaming jibberish. A guard collapsed, shards of broken porcelain scattering in all directions and leaving a white powder all over the his breastplate.
The guards all paused, then, seeing the look on Larkin's face, got back to their work as quickly as possible.
The second door fell.

"Shrike!" Matthias snarled.
"And quick, to boot," he returned. He continued fondling his axe.
Matthias raised his metallic arm, pressing an orange button on it with his other hand. The whole thing shifted shape, parts expanding, parts contracting, parts falling down lower, other parts rising. The arm contorted until it had assumed the shape of a chaingun's barrel.
Matthias frowned. No ammo.
He looked up at the door again. Guards were pushing things off the pile, making room for Larkin. The boy, Tic, had backed into a corner, trying to avoid all the mayhem.
The guards surrounded Matthias, their staves trained on him. They made a gap as so their ruler could step into the circle. His orange eyes pierced into Matthias's very soul as he ran his fingertips down the hilt of his axe.
The cyborg looked around, realizing he was cornered.

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