

Who was going to make the first move to debate whether one would live or die?
Miraye was aiming for the living part and was determined to bring down the shrike. She saw the long needles that how now slid out of Larkin's feminine fingers. They shone in the light, but this merely made her chuckle. Intimidation? Not likely, but to her, he was all talk and show, but no action. "Not done with him?" she whistled, "Is there supposed to be a marriage ceremony tonight that I am not aware of? And once again I wasn't informed."

"Is that even legal?"
Miraye turned her head and she saw the bobbing of Matthias from the shadows, holding a guard in a grip lock. The guard seemed to be in pain from the way Matthias was twisting his arm. A loud crack was heard and the guard screamed, Matthias smirking then throwing him to the floor. "Now really, I wouldn't even want to witness a gay marriage. That's just disturbing."

"Better late then never," Miraye said. Matthias stood there and crossed his arms.
"I was expecting some recognition for my entrance."
"Not now, Matty."
"You always have to hog the spotlight, huh, Pinky?"
"Excuse me for trying to attempt a rescue mission!"
"You're excused. Excused and grounded."
"Cripes, shut up!"
"Make me!"

Larkin coughed. Miraye knew that this was getting pretty much nowhere if they just argued and threw insults at each other. She clasped her hands and cracked her knuckles. "Shrike, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Just give me the Sink boy and everyone might go on living, and you might continue to hump goats. You've already had all the fun you had with Tic, so I suggest you share and let me have my turn to play with him. Which reminds me-" she scanned for Stelon. She stood there, watching the shrike. "And you.." Stelon gazed up, trying to look innocent "You flirting with the enemy. I had expected better," Miraye frowned, "-but now I see you're probably one of those hopeless romantic people. I'm ashamed of even dragging you with me."
Stelon opened her mouth to debate, but Miraye hissed, "We'll deal with this later."

The girl turned her head back to the shrike. "Yeah, she was a part of this. Now, seriously, and I mean it, hand over Tic."

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