
Hast thou a name?

It must have been three hours since Miraye fell unconscious to the world. She felt the cool breeze fly by on her face, and she opened her eyes, staring towards the blue, infinite sky above. She heard words; voices of two females. Miraye turned over and sat up. She noticed the soft pull on her stomach and she glanced at the shredded cloak wrappings. Miraye untied it, her arms going around to unfasten it. There were fresh scabs, that were still bleeding. She touched the wounds, and some blood trickled down.
"Agh, don't do that!"
Miraye looked up, as the girl with the black hair walked towards her. "Your wounds aren't healed yet, so you have to keep those bandages on. I still need to medicate them, too," she explained. She bent down to put the wrappings back on, but Miraye flinched and dived out of her grasp. The stranger looked confused, and tried again. Again, Miraye ducked.
"I'm not trying to hurt you, y'know."
"No one, touches my wounds," Miraye protested, "Except me." She again touched the scabs, the blood dripping.
"Don't do that! It'll only make it worse!"
"My wounds, my way," Miraye hissed, rudely. As more blood trickled, she took out a leaf from inside her cloak. She ripped it into pieces and placed them in her hands. She clasped her hands, bowed into the wind and muttered a strange tongue. When Miraye opened up her hands, the pieces turned into a liquid. She rubbed it on her wounds, groaning in pain slightly as they burned the scabs.
Miraye looked up, meeting the eyes of both of the strangers.
"Well, aren't we going to introduce ourselves?"
Miraye nodded. "I'm known as Miraye. Who may you two be?"

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