
Imera, this whole time had been setting there, taking everything in. What was happening?
Who was Tic? Who was Larkin?
Imera had.. or at least she remembered waking up to Miraye and then everything went so fast. Stelon came and saved us and then they talked. Imera couldn’t remember what she had said or what they had said.
Where was she? This wasn't the Tavern. Her head throbbed a little. She looked around a little for something to drink. Water.... There was no Spirits. She groped desperately for the flask she had kept on her belt but it had disappeared. Where was it, dammit?! Her mouth was dry, her head was throbbing. Soon all she could hear was the soothing voices of Miraye and Stelon.
A thought struck her suddenly, Were they going to turn her in? Would Miraye in a desperate attempt to save Tic (whoever that was) betray Imera? She looked over at them. No... Miraye wouldn't do that. She didn't know much about her but a strange power generated off of her that soothed Imera.
She thought about saying something, but what could she say? She mustn't disturb them, no. She would sit here idle like when she was a slave. No one would hurt her then.
So, she just watched, still as stone, wishing she had some ale.

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