
Like a Princess

Mornings were always busy in the castle; especially when Larkin was not in an especially good mood. Servants were scurrying through the corridors and various rooms like mice running from a cat on the prowl. In the kitchens, several different varieties of foods were being prepared to ensure Larkin would have whatever his heart desired. In the end, it would be a lot of wasted food; yet the waste of food was a more welcome option than the wrath of Larkin.

This morning was particularly interesting due to the newest gossip that had surfaced and was being spread amongst the servants like lightning.

In a guest chamber far from the main activities, a girl was stretching in her bed only to settle into the soft, silk sheets once again. The moonlight was beaming in through Stelon's window and casting a soft morning glow across the wooden floor, and five maids were busy making a beeline for what was now considered her chambers.

Nearly everyone in the castle was at least slightly curious as to whether or not the whispered rumors were true. It was said the new king had brought another rebel into luxury--a girl this time. It was also said it was the very same girl who had been helping plot his demise.

Just as Stelon was settling in and closing her eyes, the overenthusiastic knock sounded in her ears and her eyes shot open.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Just a little more time..."

Stelon groaned as the knocking continued without pause and slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position in the bed.

"Some women will be in..."

She shook herself at the memory. Daniel had told her they would be here. Any thought and hope that the knock may have been from Larkin vanished, and her worries about her appearance vanished.

"Come in...?"

Stelon was not used to giving orders or permission for things, and had never even stopped to consider that she would need to get used to it if she were to stay here. Yet as soon as the words left her mouth, the women came bustling into her room so quickly, it appeared they were running a race.

Silence gathered in the room as the maids stared and took her in. Obviously somewhat surprised, the head maid finally took it upon herself to break the awkward moment.

"Good morning, miss! I'm sure you were told we would be coming to you today. Let's hurry up now and get you cleaned up."

Stelon blinked. They were going to clean her up. She laughed inwardly. She had forgotten she was still rather dirty. The day before she had merely made herself presentable, but she was by no means clean.

The other four girls quickly sprang into action as they remembered why they were there in the first place; two of them beginning to fill the bath with water while the others pulled her out of bed and began stripping her out of her clothes. Stelon felt her face flush an extremely deep shade of scarlet, and found she could not form words to express her embarrassment. Before long, she stood before them completely undressed, and they settled her into the bath.

While the four younger girls began vigorously cleaning her; two of them working on her hair, the other two lathering and scrubbing the dirt from her body; Stelon watched the older maid. She was hurriedly gathering what would be needed to finish the cleansing process after her bath was finished. A dry towel was placed on a chair near the bath, and the brush and comb that had been conveniently placed in the vanity were taken and set on the table.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the maids helped her step out of the bath and dried her off thoroughly. Eager to be clothed once more, Stelon rushed over to the wardrobe and opened the doors. She was shocked to find all the dresses had obviously been picked out for her; they all looked to be her size. This was not the greatest surprise though.

"Is something wrong, dear?"

Stelon blinked a few times.

"They...they're all WHITE."

The head maid laughed at her.

"Why, of course they are! Why shouldn't they be?"

"I just...I thought there would be a slight variety for some reason."

The maid continued to laugh at her as though she were incredibly daft before continuing.

"Did you not know...? The master likes white."

Stelon allowed herself a small smile and shrugged before pulling one of the gowns from the wardrobe.

"May I wear this one?"

All five of the servants surveyed the dress carefully. It was a lovely white brocade with a subtle design of roses and other flowers on the fabric. The sleeves would drape slightly off her shoulders and a white chiffon would fall around her arms. There was a light silver trim along the bottom of the gown that matched with the faint tone of silver that shined in the sleeves. The gown would also have a seductive neckline, though Stelon did not seem to realize that. The five women all smiled, and the oldest of them took the lead once more.

"That one will be perfect."

Stelon managed to dress herself in her undergarments unattended, and just smiled sheepishly as she allowed the women to pull the gown on over her head. It fit her surprisingly well, and she felt a faint blush come over her cheeks as she saw what she had overlooked before. For a moment she considered asking to switch gowns, but bit her tongue and swallowed her pride. She sat down on the vanity chair, and allowed the girls to run the brush through her hair, and then to brush her hair up into a delicate style, with thin white ribbons braided into her hair, contrasting beautifully with her thick ebony hair. When this was finally achieved, they proceeded to paint her face extremely subtley with expensive cosmetics, but were cautious not to overdo it. Larkin had told them to only enhance her natural features, and none of them dared disobey him.

It had been three hours since they had originally come in when they finished. Stelon looked at herself in the mirror and nearly did a doubletake. That was her. She was amazed as she looked at her reflection, having never seen herself so dressed up before. She smiled at the women and, not entirely knowing why, she thanked them.

They just smiled back at her and left her where she was. Larkin did need to be informed the girl was ready, afterall.

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