
"Noble" overnight.

Stelon smiled shyly and greatfully at both Larkin and the servant as she followed the young man from the room. He led her through many twisting corridors, up and down staircases, and through many great halls. It was not long at all before the girl was completely disoriented.

The servant moved quickly, and when Stelon reached out to hold his arm in an attempt to slow his pace, he pulled away as though she were poison. The two paused a moment and studied each other.

Finally gathering her wits, she managed to form words.

"Are you alright...?"

He looked as though he might answer her at first, but he quickly shook himself and continued walking.

Stelon did not move.

"What are you called?"

The boy stopped again and turned back to look at her, struggling to make a decision as to whether or not he should answer, or just continue on on down the corridor. Furrowing his brow, he responded short and quick.


Stelon smiled at her success and followed him as he continued on this time, finally stopping in front of a rather decorative mahogany door. The two paused a thrid time, and he motioned that this was to be her room. Nodding, Stelon opened the door slowly and gasped as she took everything in.

The room was a work of art as far as she was concerned. One of the walls was dominated by a large window with soft lilac hangings, and the moonlight poured in through the clear glass, shining on the lavender and cream silk bedding. There were many pillows strewn over the bed, and Stelon could not contain the smile and happiness written on her face. The floors were a light oak wood that matched the door, several area carpets covering it. In the corner there stood a foldable privacy curtain to hide the ivory bathing tub, despite the fact that these "privacy curtains" were not ever really used in Larkin's palace. There was a beautifully carved wardrobe that fit into the room perfectly, as well as a vanity table, and a desk.

Stelon giggled at the irony that she would be staying here after living in the streets for so long.

Daniel shuffled his feet uncomfortably as he waited for her attention once more, finally getting it after a few minutes.

"Some women will be in in the morning, at noon, and at dusk to tend to you. These first few days they will likely be in and out more than that, just to be sure things are to your liking and that you are comfortable."

Stelon nodded.

"And when will you return again?"

The young man gave her a rueful smile, and tossed his golden brown hair out of his face.

"I doubt I will return, miss."

She looked at him with confusion.

"Why not?"

"It is not customary for a male servant past the age of thirteen to tend the women in the castle."

"And how old are you?"

"Seventeen years of age."

He glanced over his shoulder before continuing on.

"And I would advise that you do not speak in this manner to those of my station. It is not quite forbidden, but it is not exactly permitted for me to speak to you like this either."

"But I enjoy talking with you."

He laughed softly to himself.

"Farewell, my lady."

With an informal bow, he began walking from the room, and upon reaching the door, Stelon chased after him.


He stopped and turned.

"Be well, Daniel."

The boy laughed once more, and left her alone to the splendors of her room.

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