
Nothing serious.

Miraye rubbed her eyes and yawned. The breeze approached her swiftly, and she was sitting on a huge rock. She stretched her legs, and looked up at the clear, blue sky. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

When she awoke, it must have been noon from the moons' placements in the sky. She sat up. It felt strange. Something was not right, not right at all. Miraye looked at her surroundings carefully. It was still the same except...

Miraye's cloak was missing.

She cursed away, hunting around and thinking about where she must have left it. The cloak was definitely on her when she was asleep. Only one reason popped into her mind: someone stole it. She growled to herself; that cloak was a gift from Seryale, her tutor, himself. It was given to her by the age of nine, and was very handy especially when escape was needed. It had it's own powers, besides invisibility. Miraye needed that cloak back. Whoever took it was in trouble.

Miraye followed the paved way to the next small town. She asked everyone if they happened to see a blood red, cloak. They all shook their heads and scurried away from the strange looking girl. The pink hair especially frightened them.

An hour passed, but no avail. She felt rather naked without the cloak on her back, and was often seen hiding behind random objects because so. Miraye encroached upon conversations, to catch if they mentioned her beloved cloak. No, no talk of any kind.
Miraye was getting frustrated. Where the hell did her cloak go?!

The day slid slowly, the girl continuing her search. Her ears perked up when she heard the sounds of giggling. The sound was very unfamiliar and welcoming to her. She followed the laughter. The source: children. And one little girl had her cloak.

Miraye approached the children who looked at her strangely. They whispered to each other. Names mostly. Rude names.
"Little girl," Miraye breathed calmly, "You have my cloak. Can I please have it back?"
Miraye forced a grin, her left eye twitching slightly. "You stole my cloak, give it back or I'll do something very mean-"
"No, I found it! It's mine!"
Miraye counted to 10, and clenched her fists, "Don't make me do anything drastic, you little brat!"
The little girl whimpered but wouldn't give back the cloak. Miraye loomed over the children, a fierce, mad grin on her face.

Silence. An eerie silence as Miraye was ready to attack. She lowered her arms and crouched down to the children. Her eyes were filled with mixed expressions, her eyes now a blazing baby blue.

"CAN'T CATCH ME!" She screamed as she took the cloak and ran in the streets. She giggled, as though this sign of happiness was emitted from a five-year-old. The other children chased her, and she was caught. All day, Miraye played with these children. But was it really Miraye at all? Or a younger version interacting with the present?

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