
A slow, dull pulsing. Imera was used to it by now but lately it had been getting worse. Probably because she had been drinking non stop, barely taking time to sleep. It was another day in the tavern. The usuals sat around talking abnormally loud and in slurred voices. Talking about things that probably never happened. Imera never talked to anyone in the Taverns she only drank. Once in awhile she would have to leave and find some means of getting money whether it was by stealing or just finding it. Being sober was hard though and Imera couldn't stand it anymore. It was like having an itch that wouldn't go away. She was usually puking from a never ending hangover or was just out of it. She took another deep drink from her large glass and thought about just drowning herself in it. She felt so heavy. She could barely lift her head, much less her whole body. She often thought about ending her life but was never sober enough to.

She could feel herself nodding off, about to fall asleep or pass out. Or maybe she was dying. Her head fell hard against her glass sending the contents flying over on somebody close by.
He was a large man and apparently very angry because he came over.
Imera rubber her head in pain and looked up. "What the hell do you want?"
He picked her up by the scruff of her shirt and growled threateningly.
"God man, your breath stinks!" she coughed and waved her hand in front of her nose. She really wasn't aware of what she was saying or what was going on.
"If you weren't a girl," he held up his fist, "I would kill you!" his voice was full of anger and Imera flinched and covered her face, waiting for the blow.
He laughed and threw her down, hard. She slid across the floor and hit a table. Her hat came off.
The place went quiet. Her ears were in everyone’s view now.
"She's an ELF!" one of them said.
Imera quickly grabbed her hat and pulled it on. She stumbled to get up.
"Kill her!" the large man said chasing after her.
She quickly sprinted out the door and into the muddy street. She kept on running, she could hear him and the others behind her, screaming at her. Soon everyone heard there was an elf on the streets. She would surely be caught if she stayed. She ran. Ran out of the city gates and into the country side until she collapsed on the ground.

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