

The rain poured down the city on that afternoon.
It was a painful sight to look at as Miraye stared at Larkin's palace. Even from far away, you could see its towers and flags. She clutched her heart, and fell to her knees. She turned and headed for the small town to the north, not bothering to shield her head from the droplets of cold water. Miraye was miserable, and alone she walked on the stranded streets.
She opened the door to the pub, merry chatter and laughter and music embraced her. But it did nothing, she went to the bar tender, in a gloomy manner. The bar tender was chubby, with a rosy red nose of such. He resembled Father Christmas if you looked at him for a while.

"Tea," grunted Miraye. Her eyes still red from the sobbing she had done while running in the rain. The bartender nodded and went to work at her drink. Miraye turned and leaned against the counter; she was the only female there. A couple of men glanced at her, and returned to their business. She looked strange enough, especially with her scar.
A boy, about seventeen approached her.
"What?" she hissed at him, in a sneering manner. The boy recoiled slightly, but gained his courage and walked to her again.
"U..-u-uu-eh. Um.."
She looked at the boy. He was fairly cute looking with blue hair and black eyes. He looked nervous. He continued to stutter, she continued to stare at him. "Let me guess, you're trying to tell me what your name is, right?"
The young man nodded. "And, I'm guessing that you want to make conversation?" The boy nodded again.
"Don't waste your time. You wouldn't want to even know me."
Miraye snorted slightly. "Trust me, you really wouldn't." She took her tea from the bar tender and sipped. She finished it in one gulp and set the cup down. She gave the bar tender a gold nugget while shaking his hand in payment, so that the other men wouldn't hunt her down for gold. Human beings can be greedy at times, so she gave her payment in a secretive way.
She left the bar, and headed north, when she heard running foot steps after her. The rain pattering away, she turned and saw the blue haired boy. "I'm leaving. Go back." she told him, as he caught up with her. She continued her journey, leaving the boy in the rain.
Miraye coughed, blood. She needed to rest sooner or later. She looked at the castle once more.
"Tic, please stay strong."

Tic's eyes shot open. Did he just hear Miraye's voice?!

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