
Stelon awoke groggily in her dark alley, and it was quite a few minutes before she remembered the girl. Glancing at her surroundings, she frowned. The girl who had tripped over her was gone. Stelon sighed wearily. It had been long since she had someone to talk to, someone to travel with. She looked at her surroundings again. The alley was not a place she was to keen to live in for awhile. It was filthy, cold, and damp. The ground was littered with garbage and it wasn't exactly pleasant smelling either. Not to mention the sorts of people it did tend to attract. Stelon sighed softly and picked up her cloak the stranger had left behind. Wrapping it around herself, she stood up and went back out to the main streets.

It was a busy day and many people were out roaming the streets, most of which looked at her disgustedly as they passed, while a few others looked at her with pity. It was these that she was thankful for. Every now and then someone would offer her a piece of food, or water which she gratefully accepted; though none really talked to her, no matter how polite she was. On this particular day she was quite fortunate and was given a few coins. It was not much; but it would get her a bed for the night, maybe even two nights if she found a cheap tavern.

Stel smiled softly as she went on her way, continuing her search for company, and maybe a friend.

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