

Stelon and the Elven girl whose name had turned out to be "Imera" sat talking for quite a long time, Stelon more than willingly telling the girl of her past...at least what she could remember of it. It was actually not a bad "day" if you could call it that, the three moons were shining relatively bright and the sky was a pretty shade of light blue. When the topic crossed to why Imera had left Stelon in the alley alone while she slept, the elf had a rather logical explanation. She didn't know Stel, not really. And the way most people reacted to elves, it would not have been wise to stay with a stranger. Stelon accepted this contently and smiled quite cheerfully when the pink haired girl awoke three hours later, opening her mouth to ask her how she was, then changing her words as the girl began unwrapping the makeshift bandages she had carefully put on her earlier in attempt to stop the bleeding, her eyes changing from cheerful to worry in a split second.
"Agh, don't do that!"
Stelon walked quickly over to her, ready to retie the torn cloak wrappings.
"Your wounds aren't healed yet, you have to keep those 'bandages' on. I still need to medicate them as well."
Stelon bent down slowly, reaching gently for the bandages and looking quite surprised as the girl dove out of her reach. Stelon looked at her with a puzzled expression and reached again to for the wrappings, only to have the girl move out of her reach once again. She sighed, exasperated.
"I'm not trying to hurt you, y'know..."
The girl looked back at her.
"No one, touches my wounds except me."
The pink haired girl touched the scabs and Stelon panicked at the sight of blood dripping from her wounds again.
"Don't do that! It'll only make it worse!"
"MY wounds, MY way." The girl hissed at her. Stelon looked at her rather shocked-like; she had only been trying to help after all. Stel continued to watch as the girl took a sort of leaf from her cloak, took it in her hands and turned, murmuring something she could not make out. When she opened her hands, a liquid was there and Stelon looked at her rather awed as she rubbed it along her wounds, admitting to herself that it looked like a more likely healing substance than the bandages she'd managed to make. The girl looked up at her, and their eyes met.
"Well, aren't we going to introduce ourselves?"
Stelon looked slightly confused.
The girl nodded.
"I'm known as Miraye. Who may you two be?"
Stelon smiled as the girl introduced herself, and remained smiling.
"I'm called Stelon...," she began slowly, wondering if Miraye would be likely to let her travel with her, but deciding to wait on asking. She smiled kindly at Miraye, hoping to make a good impression upon her before asking slowly, "Where are you from...?

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