
There were voices that were from outside. The wagon slowed to a stop on the bumpy road.
"Mwaahh..?" she groaned, unaware of her surroundings. Her taste buds had a bitter feeling in her mouth. Miraye was gaining back her senses when she felt the cold bars against her body. Her eyes, now back in the state of brown, blinked a couple of times. She looked up and saw a huge building, a castle.
"Ah.." a voice said, "I see you're awake. You mustn’t do anything now, or we'll kill you." The girl's head turned and there was a man who was sitting by the cage on the wagon. "You killed those people, didn't you?" He asked.
"I..?" Miraye responded.
"Don't play dumb!" the man yelled. The other men looked at him. He spat at her, and poked her with a spear. Miraye hissed at him and moved to another corner of the cage. She shivered. What was she doing here anyway?
'Of course,' she thought, 'I murdered some of that.. city.'
The man who spat on her motioned to another.
"Tell his majesty about the tragedy and the monster we brought."
And there the other went, and entered the castle. Miraye stared at the door. She tilted her head. About thirty minutes or so later, the other came back.
"We must bring it to Larkin."
"Larrr-kin," Miraye pronounced to herself, "Larr-kin."
"Quiet you!" the man who sat beside the cage hissed. She became silent.
"What happens if she starts to attack us?" one of the men asked. He looked frightened.
"We kill her."
The biggest man unlocked the cage. Miraye still stayed in the corner. "C'mon now," the man said, "Be a good girl and come."
"I'm not a dog, you know." Miraye told him.
There was an eerie silence.
"Yes, yes, we know you are not a dog. Now, c'mon, and I promise I won't hurt you."
"You promise?" she asks, "Oh, but promises are always broken apart. Like how your heart, when someone rips it out of your body and stomps on it, after they denounce their love for you."
"STOP BEING SUCH A JACKASS-" the man yelled at her and grabbed her foot, "AND COME HERE!"
Miraye was dragged out of the cage, and fell on her face on the damp ground. She sat up and rubbed her forehead.
"OH GOD, SHE'S GONNA EXPLODE!" cried a man.
Miraye looked up at them. "YES, I WILL EXPLODE! KABOOM!"
The man that dragged her out of the cage kicked her. She fell again.
"Cuff her."
The men put a metal cuff around her neck and chains on her wrists.
"Don't do anything stupid, or your life will end."
"I want it to end." She said, simply.
"My, you're a rude one."
The man hit her in the back of the head. Miraye still very conscious, but weak, fell to her knees. She was picked up and dragged.
Down they went the cold corridors, so dark and eerie. And down they went, to the dungeons below.

The walk proceeded to a halt.
"She's not...breathing."
"Oh, she is. I can feel her pulse."
The grip on her arm tightened.
Miraye opened her eyes and glowered upon the men.
"We're almost there." The tall man said and grinned. The others asked each other what Lark might do to this.. girl, as they continued to walk towards the dungeon. Miraye tried not to listen; their ideas were horrifying at the most. She shrugged at her fate, and dragged behind.
"Here we are."
Miraye looked up and they stopped before an entrance.
She heard faint voices, that seemed to be coming within the room.
A lean man knocked on the door.
"Sire! We have brought the monster here!"
The voice stopped.
Miraye's heart felt like it froze. It started to beat faster and faster, as the men pushed her in front of the door. Millions of frightening thoughts loomed in her mind, as the door opened slowly.
And there was that man who walked past her, that got her into this mess. His orange eyes gazed upon the small girl's, as she knew she was meeting death, face to face.

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