
Words can't describe what I feel...

Of course. She forgot about him for some reason. A moment, and everything goes wrong. Miraye felt the pit of her stomach churn, as she turned, her back towards Stelon and the idle elf. Should she tell them who Tic is? The reason of her very journey? She did want to look for help in the first place. Maybe, just maybe... It was worth a shot, right? One really wouldn't know until they tried...
Miraye took a breath of air.
"You wish to know who Tic is, am I correct?"
Stelon's voice carried out to her ears,"Y-yes."
Her pink hair covered her eyes as she hung her head, remembering how this whole story happened. Her back still towards the two other females, she ran her fingers through her hair. She took another breath of air, this one filling her with stress.
"Tic," she paused for a couple of seconds and started again,"-Tic is a friend I have left in a castle where the gods only know what's happening to him as I explain all this to you." She trembled as she said this, feeling more guilty as every word she spoke fell heavy upon her heart. "He's.. He's being held by a man, and we tried to escape from the dungeons, but he.."
Her voice trailed off. Miraye was having difficulties explaining as she was keeping back her tears. "..He caught Tic, and I tried to get him back, I did.. but I saw that Tic wanted me to go.."
She stopped, gasping for air. "-That idiot, he has so much to live for, and I? I've killed part of a city, with my hands... I--It was me who deserved to stay, not him.."
She covered her eyes with her murderous hands, unknown to Stelon and Imera. "I need to save him. I need to save Tic and kill.. Larkin." The feeling of warm liquid running down her fingers made Miraye shake madly, and she felt the pressure of a hand on her shoulder. A pair of arms embraced her, and strands of black hair were seen through her fingers. Miraye sobbed, cursing at herself. "Something happened to him and I wasn't there to stop it-"
Stelon rocked Miraye, whispering. "It wasn't your fault, shhhh..."
Miraye continued to cry, letting all her pain flow out eventually. "I need to save him, I need to save him." Her heart wrenched and twisted, and she let loose in Stelon's arms.
'Forgive me,' she thought, 'Please forgive me..'

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