
Stelon waited patiently for Miraye's answer and swallowed silently rather than let out a gasp of surprise upon hearing the second part of her reply.
".. and if you wish to know about my past life, you can't know it or else I shall kill you."
Her eyes widened and she wondered what Miraye could possibly have been through to make her say that. She could tell that she was completely serious, and that made Stel a bit uneasy. She was not about to admit that though. Which is why she was quick to respond that Miraye didn't scare her with her answer.
Stelon paid close attention as Miraye continued on in a monotone voice, curiosity springing inside of her again when Miraye didn't tell her. That's when things got strange...
Miraye stopped talking and seemed to have a dazed look on her face. It seemed as if she was somewhere else, but this wasn't a normal daze. Stelon moved closer to her, trying to see what was wrong, hardly aware of her own voice as she asked if Miraye was alright.
Stelon looked at her, a look of confusion washing over her face before she glanced at Imera who looked just as puzzled as she did. She looked back at Miraye.
"Something just happened to Tic, right now."
"Who's Tic? What happened?"
Concern was now written all over Stelon's features, and whatever had happened to "Tic," she didn't think it was good. Miraye sat there a few moments, not answering.
She shivered slightly, watching Miraye and waiting for her answer uneasily. Something was wrong...very wrong. She could see that much in Miraye's eyes. It felt like an eternity as she sat there next to her, waiting.
"Miraye, who is Tic? What's wrong...?"

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